United for Africa: Teaching Togo Children Their Rights

Association for Human Rights and Tolerance bringing human rights education to the children of Togo

Scientology-supported Italian human rights initiative continues its work in Togo to raise the standard of human rights in the country by training the next generation on the principles enshrined in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

The Association for Human Rights and Tolerance of Italy has returned to Lome, Togo, to continue its human rights education initiative in that country. They presented 10,000 copies of human rights education booklets along with teacher’s guides to local educators. The group also held seminars for the teachers to help them implement the program in their schools.

The project, part of the Association’s “United for Africa” initiative, seeks to create a culture that embraces the principles of human rights through education. In addition to raising funds for and seeing to the construction of village schools, United for Africa emphasizes educating youth in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), which delineates the thirty fundamental rights that form the basis for a democratic society.

United for Africa ​​was founded by the Association for Human Rights and Tolerance of Italy and the Human Rights Department of the Church of Scientology of Milan, and was launched with a benefit concert in December 2006. Funds for the project are raised by annual United for Africa concerts and other fundraising projects. To date, the project has seen to the construction of three schools in Ghana along with the implementation of human rights education in Togo schools.

The Association for Human Rights and Tolerance of Italy uses the educational materials developed by Youth for Human Rights International, a human rights initiative supported by the Church of Scientology.

Source: ScientologyNews.org


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