Z-Ultimate Self-Defense and Martial Arts participates in Volunteer Minister Community Fair to help prepare the community for disasters.
Los Angeles, CA, March 14, 2016 (Newswire.com) - With muggings and random attacks being a constant threat to the children and youth across our city, parents are constantly looking for how to prevent and avoid this prevalent issue. Sensei Enrique Gomez of 'Z Ultimate Self-Defense' has been practicing martial arts for years. He is now utilizing his skill toward the protection of LA citizens in the form of self defense classes. For this reason, he was keen to participate in the 2nd Annual Community Preparedness Fair hosted by the Volunteer Ministers of Southern California.
Also when he heard there was a raffle being held to raise funds for 'Family Promise', a charity which helps the homeless, Gomez donated free self defense classes as a prize to help with the fund-raising.
The event was centered around preparing people for any and all forms of disaster or social unrest and attendees could attend free workshops covering subjects such as Preparing for Earthquakes by the LA Fire Department and How to prepare for Civil Unrest, presented by the LA County Sheriff's Department. Fair-goers were also able to learn basic first-aid and practice doing CPR on mannequins so that they could learn how to save people's lives.
Hundreds attended the day's activities which culminated with Gomez's hands-on workshop on 'Self-Defense', with crowds gathering around to learn about this popular topic.
Gomez gave live demonstrations using participants from the audience, showing them how to get out of various dangerous situations and circumstances of being attacked. He then had them practice the techniques so that they gained certainty on this.
One very important point brought up and stressed by Gomez was the question of what to do when one has gotten out of the grips of their attacker or better, managed to throw them to the floor. He asked, "Do you stand there and gloat? No! You run away!" and he promptly ran off the stage. The audience laughed and then realized that this was definitely the thing to do. Gomez explained that it is no part of 'Self-Defense' to gloat or worse, attack ones attacker and that once free the priority is to get away from the dangerous environment, and stressed that the youth present knew and understood this.
All in attendance were engrossed by the demonstration and left with an improved confidence and security of what to do should they face the ever-present threat of muggings and attacks in LA.
To find out more about Sensei Enrique Gomez and his self defense classes at 'Z Ultimate Self-Defense' visit www.zultimate.com.