Scientology Volunteer Ministers Assist in Combating Veterans Homelessness

The Scientology Volunteer Ministers took part in "Operation: Reveille 2015", an event hosted by the Tampa Hillsborough Homeless Initiative.

 Fifty-eight veterans attended the event at the Port of Tampa Bay where they received food, clothing and stable residences to live. The Volunteer Ministers distributed 130 items of gently used clothing and shoes to the veterans and their families from a booth manned by the Volunteer Ministers throughout the day.

The Volunteer Ministers also responded to inquiries for more information on their free life-skills courses on topics ranging from marital strife to stress at the workplace and drug addiction. These courses are based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard.

"These soldiers were very respectful and really appreciated the clothing and sundries they were provided. We were very happy to help serve the men and women who serve our country."

Brian Ward, Volunteer Minister

Volunteer Minister Brian Ward, who organized the clothes donations stated, “These soldiers were very respectful and really appreciated the clothing and sundries they were provided. We were very happy to help serve the men and women who serve our country.”

Volunteers from all participating organizations served food and beverages, helped veterans connect up with housing representatives, and provided other services needed by the veterans to become self sufficient.

Scientology Volunteer Ministers

Motivated by the words of Scientology Founder, L. Ron Hubbard, the global force of Volunteer Ministers has responded to every major disaster worldwide since 2001. The Clearwater and Tampa Bay Volunteer Ministers played a leading role in relief efforts following the World Trade Center tragedy in New York, the South Asian 2004 tsunami, Hurricane Katrina, the Haiti earthquake and hundreds of other disaster sites.  

The organization opened a new center at 101 N Fort Harrison Ave in downtown Clearwater, Florida on July 11th. The center further provides free training in the 19 subjects of The Scientology Handbook to help individuals learn the skills to overcome day-to-day problems and challenges. These include issues in raising children, resolving conflicts, improving relationships, and overcoming the general ups and downs of life. To find out more about the Scientology Volunteer Ministers call 727-467-6965 or email Selina Schumacher or log on to  

The Tampa Hillsborough Homeless Initiative (THHI)

THHI is a collaboration comprised of the City of Tampa, Hillsborough County, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), St. Vincent de Paul, Tampa Crossroads, ACTS (Action by Christian Teaching & Studies), Catholic Charities, volunteers from other faiths and other members of the Tampa Hillsborough County Continuum (a local and regional planning body responsible for organizing and delivering specific needs of people who are homeless).

For more information log on to Tampa Hillsborough Homeless Initiative & “Operation: Reveille 2015” .

For more information 
Contact Amber Skjelset
(727) 467-6966


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