Local ministers adopt Scientology Volunteer Ministers program forming and leading Volunteer Ministers groups in their communities to bring urgently need change to township.
South Africa, January 20, 2016 (Newswire.com) - Through the work of the Scientology Volunteer Ministers African Continental Cavalcade, ministers in the Vosloorus township of South Africa have plan today, to uplift their communities and reverse the ravages of the past 50 years.
In 1963, the apartheid South Africa government adopted the policy of evicting people of color from the towns and cities and forcing them to relocate to sub-standard townships, devoid of services, education and infrastructure. But 21 years after the fall of apartheid, the lives of those in these communities have hardly changed. Most townships are plagued by poverty, drug abuse and crime and residents live in “matchbox houses,” shacks under horrendous conditions.
I would like to thank L. Ron Hubbard for bringing the Volunteer Minister program to me and my community. It has brought light where there was darkness. It has brought knowledge with which problems can be solved. I feel that I can now resolve situations that I had given up on before.
One such township is Vosloorus. Only 28 km southeast of Johannesburg and 85 km due south of Pretoria in the province of Gauteng, it could hardly bear any less similarity to those modern, vibrant cities.
But amid its deplorable circumstances, there are those who are committed and determined to elevate the lives and lot of the people of Vosloorus and primary among them are the local pastors—those the community goes to for help and solace.
So it was not surprising to the Cavalcade when they set up their bright yellow tent in the township that pastors of local churches immediately embraced the program.
Invited to the township by one of the local ministers, their first action was to brief a gathering of 135 ministers who were immediately interested in the program. Every one of them wanted to attend the workshop.
They opened the tent to the general public and began conducting courses and workshops free of charge for anyone wishing to attend. These courses cover the whole gamut of life skills needed to confront and resolve virtually any life situation—from ending marital strife to helping a friend recover from drugs, and from the basics L. Ron Hubbard’s technology of study to resolving conflicts and setting and accomplishing targets and goals.
One of the pastors, who had earlier visit the Church of Scientology of Johannesburg and attended a few Scientology courses said, “I want to be a trainer of trainers for my people!” which was immediately arranged. He has now established and leads his own Scientology Volunteer Ministers group. Another found what he learned provided him tremendous relief. When the Tour first arrived HE was fearful of what was happening in his country and uncertain of his own and the country’s future but the training he said gave him confidence and certainty that he can do something about it.
“I would like to thank L. Ron Hubbard for bringing the Volunteer Minister program to me and my community,” wrote another pastor in a letter of recognition he presented to the Cavalcade. “It has brought light where there was darkness. It has brought knowledge with which problems can be solved. I feel that I can now resolve situations that I had given up on before.” Another minister also thanked the team: “This program must continue all over South Africa to assist and help our people. Thank you Nkosi L. Ron Hubbard.”
Of the 36 church bishops who participated in the initial program, every one of them decided to take all 19 Volunteer Ministers courses to then be able to train their own congregations. They brought on board an additional 12 and the entire group has set the target of completing all courses before the end of January.
The Volunteer Ministers program was expressly intended for use by Scientologists and non-Scientologists alike. Anyone of any culture or creed may train as a Volunteer Minister and use these tools to help their families and communities. And all are welcome to do so.
Equipped with effective technology to resolve virtually any difficulty, Volunteer Ministers live by the motto: “No matter the problem, something can be done about it.”