Neighborhood Cleanup and Initiative to Cut Drug Abuse

North Greenwood neighborhood cleanup added drug education and prevention to the volunteers' activities.

Volunteers reached out to North Greenwood neighborhood to help young people and their families avoid the tragedy of drug abuse and addiction.

A neighborhood cleanup in the North Greenwood area of Clearwater, Florida, added a drug education and prevention component, with volunteers reaching out to the neighborhood with the truth about drugs.

Volunteers gathered at the Martin Luther King Jr. Center, where they divided into teams and picked up their supplies. In addition to their trash bags, gloves, and trash picker pins, they carried copies of The Truth About Drugs, a drug education and prevention booklet with factual information about the most commonly abused drugs.

The booklet appeals to youth with its simple presentation, illustrations and personal stories from former users and addicts. And the information is equally relevant to adults, both those who have drug problems and those wishing to help youth avoid the tragedy of drug abuse and addiction.

One mother wanted a bundle of the booklets to give out to her friends. A local pastor took a bundle to help educate his congregation. He told the volunteers he was aware of the way drugs have harmed the community. He could see that the booklets can help young people make the right decision when it comes to drugs.

The Truth About Drugs is a program to educate youth and adults with factual information about drugs so they can make informed decisions to live drug-free.

This is one of the many humanitarian programs that the Church of Scientology supports to improve communities everywhere.



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