International Holocaust Remembrance Day forum discloses the sordid role psychiatry played in the Nazi genocide.
London, UK, March 2, 2016 (Newswire.com) - Community leaders gathered for a Holocaust Commemoration and Human Dignity forum hosted by the London Church of Scientology heard accounts of Hitler’s lethal weapon to eliminate “unwanted” people by means of a psychiatric eugenics genocide program.
After one minute of silence to honor the millions who lost their lives during the Holocaust, attendees learned of the secret eugenics program spawned in the late 1800s by Swiss German psychiatrist Alfred Ploetz. As documented in the Citizens Commission on Human Rights documentary, Psychiatry: An Industry of Death, eugenics is the so-called “science” and practice of “improving the human race” by selective breeding to eliminate those considered “inferior.”
"We have a duty to help those in need and by helping them understand their human rights we can empower them to make their lives better."
Daniels, Director of Citizens Commission on Human Rights in the UK
German psychiatrists used eugenics to justify the sterilization and murder of the mentally and physically disabled. In collusion with the Nazi regime, they then extended this to encompass those considered socially and politically unacceptable. They used starvation, sterilization and lethal injection to accomplish their sordid aims and expanded the program into the concentration camps where they systematically gassed Jews, Roma, Poles, and anyone else Hitler wanted to eliminate.
Other subsequent genocides have harrowing similarities. The 10-year Bosnia and Kosovo conflicts in the 1990s had the same psychiatric theories at their root. Psychiatrists Jovan Raskovic and Radovan Karadzic inspired racial and religious genocide in Bosnia including mass torture and rape. Former President Slobodan Milosevic, a Karadzic patient, perpetrated and financed the ethnic cleansing in Kosovo.
It was not until 1999 that German psychiatrists finally admitted publicly that psychiatry had spawned eugenics and the racial inferiority/superiority ideology that poisoned the minds of the German people for almost three decades, laying the foundation for the Holocaust.
The conference went on to explore modern psychiatric procedures that include categorizing difficult or unruly children and labeling them with invented “mental disorders” so they drug them into being “normal” or “acceptable.”
Today even normal childhood behavior—such as crying or being energetic—is labeled and codified as a mental disorder, the solution for which is mind-altering and highly addictive pharmaceutical drugs, and even electric shock.
While psychiatric crime occasionally surfaces in the media—as with a recent rash of headlines on a study linking their prescribing of antidepressants to suicide—psychiatrists continue to practice with impunity. They prey on “those who are vulnerable—those who feel they have no voice or rights and should just do as they are told,” said keynote speaker the Director of Citizens Commission on Human Rights in the UK, who detailed how the rights of patients are being compromised and what they and their families can do and say to successfully fight these abuses.
“We have a duty to help those in need,” said Daniels, “and by helping them understand their human rights we can empower them to make their lives better.”
To report mental health human rights abuse, email info@cchr.org.uk.
Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) is a nonprofit charitable mental health watchdog co-founded in 1969 by the Church of Scientology and professor of psychiatry emeritus, the late Dr. Thomas Szasz. It is dedicated to eradicating psychiatric abuses and ensuring patient protection.