Gauteng Parents Learn the Truth About Drugs

Youth at a Drug-Free-World event learn the truth about drugs.

Drug-Free World workshop organized by Mothers Against Drugs (MAD) group at the Dutch Reformed Church of Kloofendal in Roodepoort, South Africa, gave parents vital information on how to speak about drugs to their children.

"We tell our children to say no to drugs, but we don't tell them why," said Drug-Free World Africa Coordinator Maurithus Meiring to parents at a recent drug prevention workshop in Gauteng. "They do not have enough information, which leads them to be curious about trying them. Education is the best tool we have for preventing drug abuse."

Meiring was addressing a group of concerned parents at a drug prevention workshop organized by Mothers Against Drugs (MAD) at the Dutch Reformed Church in Kloofendal, South Africa. Erika Sparks, the founder of MAD, said there is an enormous need for this program—that we all need to know how to help a loved one struggling with drug addiction. "Our aim is to prevent drug abuse, and this program works," said Meiring.

He explained that the Truth About Drugs program is fact-based drug education—presenting youth and adults with the truth about drugs so they can make informed decisions on this very crucial subject. "At the end of the day, it all comes down to choice," he said.

Meiring explained that recovered addicts often take on running a Drug-Free World campaign where they live. It not only helps reach those at risk of becoming addicted to drugs, it also gives them an opportunity to give back to the community.

One former addict told the parents why he is working with the Foundation for a Drug-Free World and what he plans to accomplish. "I want to introduce a program in schools where recovered addicts will work as counselors. They will have the sole purpose of looking out for the ones who display signs of drug use and testing them. If the results are positive, they will enroll these pupils in the Drug-Free World after-school program," he said. He also plans to run a Drug-Free World "boot camp" during the school holidays to give youngsters a fighting chance to avoid becoming casualties of the drug epidemic.

The Church of Scientology and its members support the Foundation for a Drug-Free World, whose Truth About Drugs campaign is one of the world's largest nongovernmental drug education and prevention initiatives. Thanks to this support, the Foundation provides—free of charge—drug education booklets, videos and educator guides to teachers, mentors and civic and community leaders.

According to the United Nations Office on Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, "Every dollar spent on prevention can save governments up to ten dollars in later costs."

Read the article on the Scientology Newsroom.



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