Toxicological analyzes of waste water done in the Po and the Arno River in Florence, show emerging strengths of cannabis, cocaine and heroin higher than the other 17 cities analyzed. Church of Scientology supported drug prevention program answers call increasing ongoing operations in the area.
Florence, Italy, January 8, 2016 (Newswire.com) - An analysis of the Italian rivers, particularly the rivers Po and Arno, showed that the waterway was carrying more than 4 kg of cocaine per day, for this reason the government has launched an awareness campaign aimed at young people.
For cocaine, in Florence, there is a sharp increase in consumption: almost one out of a hundred uses it, according to the percentages found, from 4.9 doses per day per thousand inhabitants in 2011 to 9.5 doses in 2012. Likewise, more than double the consumption of heroin, spent the same amount of time, 3.4 doses per day per thousand inhabitants to 8.3 doses. And this is not an urban legend, but data securely anchored to laboratory results.
"Scientologists are not there to punish drug users or to reform the whole society regarding this topic. They are there to help any person or any government to solve the problem."
L. Ron Hubbard, Scientology Founder
Drugs Prevention programs sponsored by the Church of Scientology, are already in operation in the country but after this analysis they have been intensified, precisely in order to reduce the use of drugs.
As part of the program, Scientologists, organized activities of syringes pick up in public parks and areas most frequented by heroin addicts, also they organize lectures in schools, awareness events on the subject of drugs to bring the message of a drug-free life.
To increase the program's impact on the population, the teams of the Say No to Drugs have increased their distribution of The Truth About Drugs booklets, creating alliances with sports organizations, shopping centers and traders of the city. The volunteers also distributed educational material in clubs, delivering leaflets and broadcasting announcements of public utility.
In fact, in Florence the distributions continues weekly and are always more requests for information from young people.
"Scientologists are not there to punish drug users or to reform the whole society regarding this topic. They are there to help any person or any government to solve the problem." L. Ron Hubbard.
Distribution license:
Tom Rossella
Responsible publications - Church of Scientology Celebrity Centre Florence