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At the grand opening of the Church of Scientology Advanced Organization in Sydney, Australia, Dr. David Bennett addresses the thousands of Scientologists, dignitaries and their guests assembled for the historic occasion. Dr. Bennett speaks of the "dramatic and revolutionary court victory in the name of religious freedom" that led to the landmark 1983 Australian

This is the 30sec Scientology Ad that aired during the Grammy's on 02/16/16. Learn more about the Global Humanitarian Initiatives & Affiliated Social Betterment Programs Supported By The Church of Scientology:
The global devastation and human misery wrought by drug abuse, illiteracy and moral decay—to say nothing of natural and man-made disasters—is unmistakable. They threaten to rip the social fabric to shreds and in many parts of the world these societal

Factual information on drug abuse can save lives - a public service message.

The Church of Scientology sponsors United for Human Rights, and its program for young people, Youth for Human Rights. The aims of these nonprofit, nonreligious organizations are twofold: Teach young people their inalienable rights, thus significantly increasing awareness in a single generation; and petition governments to implement and enforce the provisions of the 1948 United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and mandate human rights education in schools. to be the first to watch new Scientology videos!
"Now, I feel like there's nothing I can't tackle," says Villa. "Scientology gave me tools to survive, tools to create, and that's what I feel like—a creative person who is full of power and there is no stopping me."
Singer-songwriter Joy Villa delivers a contagious exuberance with every song she sings.
Joy V

Official Scientology Site:
This is the 30sec Scientology Super Bowl commercial version seen by many during Super Sunday 50. You can also watch the 'Who Am I?' 60sec version of this Scientology video on
Scientology Video Channel:
We live in an age of technological wonder, extended life, endless connections, limitless possibilities at the touch of a button. In a fraction of a second, the wo

"Respect the religious beliefs of others."
Learn Scientology beliefs & practices:
Precept #18 in L. Ron Hubbard's The Way to Happiness.

Scientologists on six continents partner with government agencies and nongovernmental organizations to bring about broad-scale awareness and implementation of the 1948 United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the world's premier human rights document. Youth for Human Rights was established in 2002 under the Human Rights Department of Church of Scientology International and has grown to hundred chapters worldwide.

Scientology Explained: 'Meet A Scientologist': Meet Michelle, a baker who shares how Scientology has enhanced her life...
"To me, being a Scientologist means growing spiritually—becoming more myself every day. It means being someone who helps. Scientology is the study of life, it is the study of me, of you, of the world around us..."

Meet A Scientologist: Tim Biedinger, a general contractor from Las Vegas, Nevada, loves his work.
"Scientology gave me a lot more insight into the mind and how people work," he says, "and it makes life a lot easier to understand and easier to operate too. One of my best assets in the business world is that I understand people and I work with people well."

Watch the 'Who Am I?' Scientology video on
We live in an age of technological wonder, extended life, endless connections, limitless possibilities at the touch of a button. In a fraction of a second, the world's knowledge at our fingertips, a seemingly infinite source of answers to any question we might ask except for one, the one we thirst for, the one that leads to understanding, our world, our choices, ourselves...the question that lies at the intersecti

Watch the new HD version of UNITED here: A human rights music video promoting tolerance and peace to young people the world over. "U-N-I-T-E-D, a better place this world would be. We're all in this game, can't you see? We're all a part of this family tree."
Watch more human rights documentaries and videos on YouTube:
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