Category: Women's Issues

Open house educates the community on the consequences of the use of ECT

Drug and alcohol abuse and domestic violence are intimately linked. Marching for an end to violence against women and children, Drug-Free World South Africa joined forces with thousands in Pretoria July 10 at the 100-Man March.

Youth for Human Rights India chapter supports the initiative to end the selective aborting of female fetuses and killing of newborn baby girls.

South Africa's Women's Day honors those who led the fight for freedom and equality 60 years ago and the women of South Africa today who continue to fight for a better life for the people of the nation.

After spending most of her life in the Washington, DC metro area, Kathryn Reeves makes her home in Oregon with her husband and three kids. Along with being full-time mommy she spends her time outdoors, exploring the beautiful Pacific Northwest with her husband and trail-loving foxhound, volunteering at her local church of Scientology, and writing on