Category: Recreation and Sports

Driving a drug-free message through the villages of Lake Iseo in Lombardy, Italy

The annual Czech "Cyclo-Run" Against Drugs, an initiative featured this week in an episode of Voices for Humanity on the Scientology Network, is reaching out to the youth of the country with the message that life can be much more fun when you live drug-free.

Simone Leo, a long-distance runner featured on the Scientology Network in an episode of 'I Am a Scientologist,' has become the first athlete to complete all 'Seven Sisters' 135-mile ultramarathons.

Benjamin Nagengast is living his dream by helping people have fun.

Volunteers from the Church of Scientology of Pordenone ride in the annual "Pordenone Pedala" bicycle tour to raise awareness of the dangers of drugs.

First East Grinstead ice rink adds a whole new dimension to the holiday season.

Everyone has the right to safe streets is the message of the Queen Anne Interfaith Ministries National Bike Day Celebration.