Category: Faith

Renowned for the digital revolution, the world's high-tech capital welcomes the evolutionary religious technology of L. Ron Hubbard.

In the heart of the Rockies, on iconic South Temple Street, the Church of Scientology Salt Lake City opens its doors to all.

Members of many faiths gathered in fellowship for an evening of Oriental poetry at the Scientology Center

The Nashville Church of Scientology held an International Religious Freedom Day "listening session" in partnership with the Tennessee chapter of United for Human Rights to gather information for the group's 2018 State of Religious Freedom Report.

The International Association of Scientologists (IAS), an ever-expanding force for good within the worldwide humanitarian community, gathered in East Grinstead, Southern England, on the first weekend in October to recognize a year of expansion and accomplishment.

Launching a new era for Scientology on Italy's Adriatic coast.

The Church of Scientology European Public Affairs and Human Rights Office in Brussels hosts programs to bridge the divide between religions and promote understanding

In the wake of senseless violence, Church of Scientology Toronto hosts interfaith service to affirm cooperation among diverse religious communities.

Church of Scientology Moscow interfaith forum to mark International Holocaust Remembrance Day

The Church of Scientology in Nashville opened its doors to all religious communities for a special service in observance of World Interfaith Harmony Week.

The Brussels branch of Churches of Scientology for Europe celebrated its seventh anniversary January 26 with a dinner and presentation to local dignitaries and friends.

New Year's celebration marks surge of new Churches and showcases twelve months of accomplishment across every facet of the religion.

Tolerance and compassion was the message of the sixth annual interfaith service at the Church of Scientology Sacramento.

"Contemporary Forms of Anatheism," a conference at Palazzo Lascaris in Turin, Italy, organized by the Buddhist Information Center of Giaveno and the Church of Scientology, brought together religious experts and representatives of diverse religious traditions to explore anatheism, "a mystical ground...of what is most fundamental in each religion which is not easily translated into language ..."

Inauguration of Ideal Church hailed as moment for the American Dream in city Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard called home.

Religious leaders from 12 world faiths foster dialogue, understanding and tolerance at a three-part forum at the Church of Scientology Los Angeles.

The grandest of ceremonies heralded a spectacular new Ideal Advanced Organization offering unbridled expansion of spiritual progress for Scientologists across Australia, New Zealand and Asia.

International Day of Friendship was created to inspire peace and bridge-building. The Church of Scientology Nashville brought together a diverse group to dialogue for the occasion.

An interfaith conference at the Church of Scientology Sacramento stressed the importance of understanding the beliefs of others.

Scientology Volunteer Minister works with Christian pastors to provide them the tools they need.

Ceremony and celebration at the Church of Scientology of Rome June 26 welcomes the son of two Roman Scientologists.

Advanced Scientologists board Freewinds for June week of planning in the name of Church expansion and celebrating an amazing year of triumphs.

Everyone has the right to safe streets is the message of the Queen Anne Interfaith Ministries National Bike Day Celebration.

An article in the history section of Arizona Republic Magazine features L. Ron Hubbard's home in Phoenix and its historical significance.

Scientology is an applied religious philosophy, says Ivan Arjona, President of the National Church of Scientology of Spain. It not only helps the individual gain an understanding of his spiritual nature, it also provides tools to resolve the problems and challenges of day-to-day life.

Scientologists look back on 22 years of service and look forward to the future at the celebration of the Church of Scientology of Moscow's official registration in 1994.

Some 130 Christian religious leaders from throughout South Africa commemorated the birth of Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard on March 13, 1911, by honoring him for dedicated to freedom and helping mankind.

Presiding Judge rules that entire case was a "serious and irremediable breach of the right to a fair trial"

Scientology News informes how for the Colombian businessman, Scientology is all about helping people.

Two years since the U.K. Supreme Court's landmark decision paved the way for the first official Scientology wedding in the England, the Chapel of the Church of Scientology London has become a favorite spot for Scientologists to tie the knot.

Through Scientology, the Salt Lake City athlete gained a mental clarity and concentration that helps him excel in his favorite sport, Scientology News reports.