Category: Prisons and Detention Facilities

Briefing members of the American Jail Association Convention on the results of a simple booklet called The Way to Happiness.

Without much fanfare, a prison in Siaya, Kenya, is investing in the future of inmates, using the Scientology Volunteer Ministers program.

The secular program using technology based on the research and discoveries of L. Ron Hubbard is helping addicts in the largest prison in Indonesia turn their lives around.

How the Rev. Leon Kelly uses L. Ron Hubbard's moral code to tackle the scourge of gang violence in Denver

According to Greg Capazorio, President of Criminon, situations like the one at Lowell are "one reason the work of Criminon volunteers is so important." According to the Criminon website, the organization's goals include, "addressing the causes of criminality and restoring the criminal's self-respect through effective drug detoxification, education and common sense programs."