Category: Online Training and Educational Solutions

A man who completed the Targets and Goals course on the Volunteer Ministers website describes how understanding these administrative basics has changed his life. Targets and Goals is one of 19 free online courses providing know-how to improve virtually any condition in life. The Church of Scientology makes this training available free of charge on the Volunteer Ministers website and at

Spearheading human rights awareness throughout their country and South Asia, the Kathmandu chapter of Youth for Human Rights International used this year's International Human Rights Day to increase awareness of the U.N. Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

In the midst of a drug abuse epidemic, volunteers involve local businesses in Brixton with helping to educate residents on the truth about drugs.

Toxicological analyzes of waste water done in the Po and the Arno River in Florence, show emerging strengths of cannabis, cocaine and heroin higher than the other 17 cities analyzed. Church of Scientology supported drug prevention program answers call increasing ongoing operations in the area.