Category: Healthcare

Foundation for a Drug-Free World takes action to stem Nigeria's deadly drug abuse epidemic.

The Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR), a nonprofit mental health watchdog, wants to end abuse of children under the Florida Baker Act.

Fitness fair in honor of World Health Day at the Nashville Church of Scientology promoted well-being for the community.

Scientology Volunteer Ministers continue their work to help the country recover from one of the worst disasters Nepal has ever faced.

In commemoration of World Health Day, Mexican Scientologists opened the doors of their mega-church, located in the center of Mexico City, where both community members and leaders of different social sectors gathered to discuss current health issues related to the consumption of drugs, and declared a resounding "Say No to drugs, Say Yes to Life."

Citizens Commission on Human Rights St. Petersburg in Russia continues campaign to educate students, educators and medical professionals on the harmful effects of psychiatric drugs with a private screening of the documentary Dead Wrong: How Psychiatric Drugs Can Kill Your Child.

Helping families protect their children

Citizens Commission on Human Rights volunteers informed parents of the dangers of psychiatric drugs prescribed for so-called Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

International Holocaust Remembrance Day forum discloses the sordid role psychiatry played in the Nazi genocide.
International mental health watchdog Citizens Commission on Human Rights, established in 1969 by the Church of Scientology and eminent psychiatrist, Prof. Thomas Szasz, warns parents to be alert to their teen-aged children being illicitly sold the stimulant Adderall in light of recent statements by neurologist, Don Gervais, that abuse can "lead to progressive and early drug induced Parkinsonism," and that the effects on the brain are similar to taking meth.
LA Chapter of Citizen's Commission on Human Rights exposes how psychotropic drugs "work."

Conference at the Church of Scientology of Tokyo focuses on failures in the diagnosis of developmental disorders, warning of potential danger in proposed legislation.

A new video published February 20 tells the story of New Mexico State Representative Nora Espinoza, whose landmark legislation protects children from being forced to take dangerous psychiatric medication.

In keeping with the U.N. mandate to develop educational programs to prevent future genocides, Scientology Churches in partnership with Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) chapters shown the harsh light on psychiatric roots of the Holocaust.

Event presents litany of facts warning of psychiatric drug dangers

Volunteer Ministers from the Church of Scientology L.A. helping citizens prepare for the disasters we all hope will never occur.
The Nashville Church of Scientology will host a Community Fitness Fair for World Health Day in early April, 2016.
Citizens Commission on Human Rights, a non-profit mental health watchdog dedicated to the eradication of abuses committed under the guise of mental health briefed Floridians on their rights under the Baker Act in honor of International Holocaust Remembran