Category: Non-Profit Schools and Institutions

The Scientology Newsroom features Theresa Michael, a teacher at Mumbai's GloWorld Finishing School, calls her task "mission possible": to transform India's next generation into champions of peace, tolerance and human rights.

As the daughter of a minister, wanting to help people came naturally to Fiona Milne. But it wasn't until she learned about Scientology that she found out how.

In a recent ceremony by the Middle Tennessee Council of the Boy Scouts of America, the pastor of the Church of Scientology was granted the William D. Boyce New Unit Organizer Award for creating and hosting a new Cub Scout troop for students in area schools.

As featured in Pride Magazine, Dr. Jean Augustine and four other noted advocates of human rights were awarded at the 10th annual Human Rights Award ceremony of the Toronto chapter of Youth for Human Rights.
International mental health watchdog Citizens Commission on Human Rights, established in 1969 by the Church of Scientology and eminent psychiatrist, Prof. Thomas Szasz, warns parents to be alert to their teen-aged children being illicitly sold the stimulant Adderall in light of recent statements by neurologist, Don Gervais, that abuse can "lead to progressive and early drug induced Parkinsonism," and that the effects on the brain are similar to taking meth.

Spearheading human rights awareness throughout their country and South Asia, the Kathmandu chapter of Youth for Human Rights International used this year's International Human Rights Day to increase awareness of the U.N. Universal Declaration of Human Rights.