Category: Event Lighting, Sound, Sets, and Production

On the holiday set aside for knowledge and love, Scientologists help neighbors discover Dianetics at book stands in Madrid and Barcelona.

In honor of National Volunteer Week, the Church of Scientology Information Center in downtown Clearwater will honor a team whose contribution to the community is exemplary.

With a commitment to fight drugs, crime and human rights abuse, the Church's spiritual technology is welcomed by Southern hospitality

Once again, pianist Kathy Roberts maintains her record of performing any request in any genre, setting the mood for a memorable International Happiness Day event in Clearwater, Florida.

Some 130 Christian religious leaders from throughout South Africa commemorated the birth of Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard on March 13, 1911, by honoring him for dedicated to freedom and helping mankind.

Vibrant and colorful traditional Costa Rican dance and song set the mood for the opening of the Scientology Volunteer Ministers Goodwill Tour in the nation's capital, San José.

In the midst of a nationwide drug abuse epidemic, youth reached out with factual information on drugs to the crowds in San Francisco.